Welcome to Best Discount Broker in India
India’s Lowest Brokerage Trading Platform. Association with Zerodha’s India’s Leading discount broker.
We have over 20 years of experience providing expert financial advice for both businesses and individuals.
Investallign Preferred Business Partner Of Zerodha India’s Biggest Discount Brokerage Compnay.
Our core philosophy centers around creating a brokerage-free world. While the majority of brokerages and trading institutions in the category follow an approach which maximizes their profits by charging brokerage as a percentage of each trade which can add up to thousands of rupees per day per trader.
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Why Investallign?
At InvestAllign – Online Discount Broker, we believe in empowering our clients and increasing their chance of succeeding in the marketplace by charging a simple 0.03% of the turnover or a maximum of Rs. 20 only per transaction fee, regardless of trade size.
If you are looking Best Discount Stock Broker in India then you are at the right place.
Investallign is a single place where all your investment needs are satisfied. We are SEBI registered investment advisors and financial planners. From Low-Cost Brokerage to Right Financial Planning Investallign Firm will help you.
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Our Expert Team
Our investment experts constantly evaluate the best ways to put your money to work. We will provide you with Investment advice with the Lowest Brokerage In India. Our portfolios are completely liquid, and you can access your money anytime. This is what sets us apart from the competition.
Investallign is a business partner of Zerodha and one of the best online discount brokers in India for beginners. Read the reviews and comparison of full service broker vs discount broker from the list of lowest margin brokers in India 2018.
Know more about Cheap Brokerage Charges for Intraday Trading, F&O Trading Brokerage & Zerodha – Discount Brokerage Charges.
Gunjan Chokshi
Founder and MD
Mr.Gunjan has over 12 year experience in Broking Business. He has earlier with Monarch ,Marwadi Share & Finance Ltd & SBICAP SEC , Gunjan has focused on Retail Broking and online Broking business. He has CFP and SEBI register Investment Advisor who holds an MBA in Finance ,and also a trading strategy designer and founder of myStrategy.